If you said, my compi has defeated by viruses...
In my mind, I'm sure if you use another operating system beside linux like windows.
And If you said, my tux has destroyed by viruses...
I will say bulshit.. ^^
Linux can't be infected by a Windows virus.
Have any problem with virus in your operating system?
I have the best solution for you..
If you want to install Linux, the easiest way to do it, is select and burn a Linux distro of your choosing, (Ubuntu is a good one for the Linux noob) boot the installation disk and when prompted, tell it to use the whole disk for installation. Windows will be completely removed and you'll have a nice, safe and shiny Linux OS when done. Ubuntu has a nice selection of media players in Synaptic that you can choose from if you don't like the default Rhythm Box.
Rangkuman Berita Linuxbox.web.id 12 – 18 Maret 2012
12 years ago